We Produce The Images You See Every Day

Images are all around us, more so than ever with the advent of ‘always on’ digital content, iPad apps for shopping and digital, interactive shopping channels. The need for images has never been greater and yet most people don’t ever give a second’s thought to how they were created.

Unless it’s a newsworthy event, a peak-of-the-action goal scoring shot or an Olympic winning sprinter, we never give it a thought. And yet just as much care is needed in the creation of the photography you see all around you, every day.


Just to remind you, here’s a selection of that type of photograph. Fore more than a year now, we’ve been working with the NEXT catalogue, photographing every pair of shoes, each article of furniture, in every combination and from several angles, so that customers can make shopping choices online. Together, we devised an entire workflow, a cottage industry of product photography so that when new products go live, the images are ready to describe and portray. It’s something that needs to be controlled, repeatable and above all, high quality. When images are used to portray goods for sale, they must be accurate and honest, not Photoshopped like a supermodel. Below is a diagram of one of our studio layout bays.


We use both Canon and Nikon cameras in our work, shooting tethered into Apple Mac workstations so that we can examine each image minutely to ensure the best quality. Far from being boring, it’s actually rather absorbing. For instance, just how do you photograph a heavily mirrored vanity unit made from mirrored panels and highly polished surfaces without appearing in the reflections ourselves? Well, that’s probably a subject for another blog post….
